Since 1872 in Morey St Denis
Five generations of winegrowers at the heart of the Grands Crus of the Côte de Nuits
P h i l o s o p h y
As transmitters of memories and creators of emotions, our vocation is to continue to serve our beautiful terroir and interpret it in the best possible way, as generations before us have done and as generations after us will continue to do. We want you to enjoy a unique experience of communion with this land and the people who made what you taste in your glass possible
"Like music, wine, through the scores of the Climats in Burgundy, offers itself to the interpretation of Domaine Ponsot to thrill us: we touch the soul! Perhaps that's what art is all about... and the artist."

Eric Goettelmann




1er Cru
Morey-Saint-Denis premier cru

1er Cru
Morey Saint-Denis premier cru

Grand Cru
Chapelle Chambertin

Grand Cru
Clos de la Roche
1 5 0 y e a r s o f h i s t o r y s i n c e 1 8 7 2
The evolution of a winegrowing family steeped in the history of Burgundy’s crus

F r o m V i n e t o W i n e

For us winegrowers, the vine is the focus of all our attention.
We spend hours with each vine to produce beautiful grapes.

On the threshold of the vat room, a maieutic process begins, giving birth to a new vintage.